Download Catia software for sale
Catia P3 V5-6R2017 + documentation | $180 ![]() |
Catia P3 V5-6R2016 + documentation | $160 ![]() |
Catia P3 V5-6R2015 (V5R25) + documentation | $160 ![]() |
Mechanical Design Domain Overview
A propelled 3D item creation bundle... Mechanical Design Products enables the client to make parts in a profoundly beneficial and natural condition, to advance existing mechanical part outline with wireframe and fundamental surface components and after that effectively build up mechanical get together imperatives, consequently positions parts and checks gathering consistency. Mechanical Design items can address 2D plan and drawing generation necessities with a remain solitary best in class 2D device Interactive Drafting 1 (ID1).
Item Synthesis Domain Overview
Concentrate on the knowledgeware arrangements
The CATIA software Version 5 knowledgeware arrangement set transforms verifiable outline techniques into express information for acquiring the ideal plan.
The center abilities of CATIA Enjoy the energy of item blend installed inside its simple to-utilize multi-train apparatuses. The CATIA software knowledgeware arrangement transforms certain outline strategies into unequivocal learning and enable clients to catch and reuse corporate know-how all through the item lifecycle. Clients can include and share this additional insight in each stage from configuration to assembling, for basic applications or undertaking wide arrangement.
Examination Domain Overview
Easy to use condition
CATIA Analysis furnishes architects and experts with an instinctive UI that meets their shifted needs. Since the UI is a characteristic augmentation of that in CATIA software, it is especially simple for CATIA clients. They acquire a reasonable comprehension of the mechanical conduct by rapidly investigating plan attributes in a computerized mockup (DMU) condition. The CATIA instruments and condition that are regular to all CATIA applications, Abaqus for CATIA software, and accomplice arrangements, dispense with the issue of lost efficiency related with utilizing different applications.
Quick outline investigation circles
CATIA Analysis is a basic piece of CATIA software. The investigation particulars are an augmentation of the part and get together plan determinations, and the examination is performed straightforwardly on the CATIA geometry. It is, accordingly, basic and advantageous to play out an investigation to help estimate parts and look at the execution of various plan options. The effect of configuration changes can be quickly evaluated with programmed refreshes. Planners utilizing CATIA Analysis will normally utilize examination as a feature of their outline procedure, managing them a more prominent comprehension of how their outlines perform and enhancing their capacity to convey the correct plan the first run through.
Multidiscipline coordinated effort
CATIA Analysis underpins simultaneous designing, enabling clients to work firmly together and dodge modify. Architects and examiners can team up since they have entry to a similar domain, disposing of information exchange, revise, and the need to keep up various applications for plan and examination. The CATIA software condition likewise enables technique engineers to make layouts that originators can routinely use to perform standard sorts of investigation.
Information based improvement
The CATIA Analysis items use the local CATIA software information based design. They enable plans to be streamlined by catching and concentrate the learning related with part outline and investigation. The reuse of investigation elements and the utilization of information based standards and checks guarantee consistence to organization best practices. Mechanization of standard examination forms using knowledgeware layouts significantly enhances the proficiency of the plan investigation handle.
Framework Domain Overview
Cutting edge stage for PLM... in view of a bound together Object Implementation, OLE, JAVA, CORBA and new best-in-class geometric modeler, CATIA Infrastructure gives an enjoyable to-utilize graphical interface and center administrations for information administration and perception.
Worked in information based building giving the capacity to catch and reuse know-how over all CATIA software items. It is additionally the section point for more progressed knowledgeware instruments (Advisor, Expert, Optimizer )
Shape Design and Styling Domain Overview
CATIA offers exceedingly instinctive instruments to effortlessly make, approve and adjust any sort of surfaces, from freestyle surfaces to mechanical shapes.
CATIA Shape Design and Styling arrangements permits to all size organizations to :
Ace up to high multifaceted nature shapes
CATIA Shape Design and Styling arrangements give an incorporated focused condition to deal with both Free Form, Aesthetical, Aero surfaces and Mechanical Surfaces.
Gear and Systems Engineering Domain Overview
An arrangement of Electrical items to address 2D and 3D requirements...CATIA software Electrical items give the apparatuses expected to deal with the electrical conduct of parts and their joining into the 3D advanced taunt up. A bi-directional interface between CATIA software and electrical CAD frameworks gives mechanical parts and gatherings with electrical conduct keeping in mind the end goal to characterize electrical gadgets and furthermore deal with the meaning of electrical wires inside the computerized ridicule up. A relationship can be set between 2D intelligent outline and 3D computerized deride up to guarantee consistency of both schematic and physical portrayal.
A propelled regular stage for all CATIA Diagramming applications...A base for all graphing applications, for example, CATIA Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams and CATIA HVAC Diagrams, this is the normal stage for every one of the 2D intelligent schematic devices. Incorporated into whatever is left of the CATIA stage, it enables the client to characterize connections between the 2D sensible plan and 3D allotment.